


店  名 欧風カレー ボンディ 神保町本店 (Bondy)
住  所 東京都千代田区神田神保町2-3 神田古書センター 2F
営業時間 11:00~20:30(L.O. 20:00)
定 休 日 年末年始
電  話 03-3234-2080
交  通 神保町駅A6出口から徒歩2分
欧風カレー ボンディ https://bit.ly/3AHF6eF

[ European Curry Bondy [Tokyo / Jimbocho] Recommended curry in Kanda / Jimbocho / Ochanomizu that you want to go on a date! If you go with your loved one, this curry shop! (Beef curry, pudding, hideout, procession, aqueduct) ]

Founded in 1973. This may be the curry that Japanese people love. Its roots are said to be the brown sauce that the first generation remembered in France. Using plenty of dairy products, the mellowness and richness + apples are the main ingredients, and other fruits and vegetables are mixed in to create a deep sweetness. If you want to eat delicious curry, please experience it. The budget is about 1,500 to 3,000 yen per person day and night. The menu and map (access map) are at the end of the video!


#欧風カレーボンディ #カレー #神保町 #神田 #御茶ノ水
#水道橋 #ビーフカレー #ボンディ #プリン #デート
#大切な日 #グルメ #人気店 #行列 #隠れ家


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